
(非聽不可)Greyson Chance-Take A Look At Me Now

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Greyson Chance

Take A Look At Me Now(看看我)

作詞:Greyson Chance、Lauren Christy、Graham Edwards、Scott Spoke

作曲:Greyson Chance、Lauren Christy、Graham Edwards、Scott Spoke

So long to electric fences

Not much left for me to run from now

Guess I'll turn myself around

I'm putting down my defenses

These wings are gonna take me off the ground

It's freedom sweet as sound

And I'll admit that I was wrong

And it is obvious that

Finally taking my fist down

Would you stop and take a look at me now?

Could you stop and take a look at me now?

When your standing right infront of me

Your looking at the positive that was negative

Would you stop and take a look at me now?

Don't know what you get tomorrow

Not sure where I want to go tonight

Isn't that what life's about?

So long for the fears and worries

Let's go and you won't be sorry

I'll be the one that gets you out

Chase the demons out tonight

You can see how fast they run

When you turn the lights will shine

Would you stop and take a look at me now?

Could you stop and take a look at me now?

When your standing right in front of me

Your looking at the positive that was negative

Would you stop and take a look at me now?

And it gets more beautiful it gets more beautiful

As the sun turns into rain

And the hurt turns into shame

And it gets more wonderful it gets more wonderful

Can you get this through your brain

That you can not lose again?

Would you stop and take a look at me now?

Could you stop and take a look at me now?

When your standing right in front of me

Your looking at the positive that was negative

Would you stop and take a look at me now?


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關鍵字:  (非聽不可)Greyson   Chance-Take   A   Look   At   Me   Now